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Is Sleep the Key to Healthy Teeth?



According to new research into tooth decay in adolescents published by the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, there may well be a bigger link than you realise, in the case of young adults. So just why do night owls have an increased chance of developing tooth decay and what can you do as a parent to help reduce it?

Neglecting Brushing

Evidence suggests that one of the key reasons adolescent night-owls experience tooth decay is that they neglect to brush their teeth before finally succumbing to tiredness. Indeed, if challenged they may well claim that they were too tired to bother. The risk is greatest with young people who stay up later than their parents, as they will have nobody to check in or remind them. If you frequently go to sleep before your children, you may not be aware of the extent to which they are missing a night time brush, meaning that the first you know about it may be a lengthy visit (or visits) to the dentist.

As a parent, whilst an older child should be taking responsibility for his own brushing routine, it is still worth engaging in conversation on dental hygiene and keeping an eye on your child’s habits to ensure that they are not putting their teeth at unnecessary risk. Subtle observation may well suffice for most children, although sometimes direct intervention may be needed! In either case, there is no reason that oral hygiene can’t be a natural conversation point at the dining table.


A second reason that adolescents who stay up late tend to experience increased rates of tooth decay is daytime snacking. This was seen to be primarily caused by young people sleeping later and therefore skipping breakfast. As a result, such children are considerably more likely to snack throughout the day. Because they have started the day overtired and without the right nutrition, the tendency will be for them to choose sugary snacks that they believe will help them replenish their energy. This in turn will lead to increased acid levels over a prolonged period of time, which is a recipe for disaster.

Encouraging your child to enjoy a family breakfast and promoting a healthy attitude towards snacking can play a key role in improving oral hygiene.

Ensuring that you buy a high quality, fluoride toothpaste is also a simple but highly effective way that you as a parent can help to reduce the risk of decay. Evidence shows that fluoride toothpaste, when used in conjunction with a correct brushing regime and healthy diet can go a long way towards maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Regular Check-ups

Of course, no matter what your child’s routine and however healthy the diet, visiting the dentist regularly for a routine checkup is an essential part of the equation and possibly the single most important responsibility for you as a parent when it comes to fighting tooth decay. Try to make sure your children understand why these visits are so important, and avoid letting them make excuses to postpone appointments indefinitely (football games, homework clubs, dates – you name it, they’ll use it!).

If you have any concerns about your child’s oral hygiene, don’t hesitate to contact us here at Sharoe Green Dental Practice in Preston and we’ll be happy to discuss them with you. To speak to a member of our team or book an appointment now, call us on 01772 804430 or contact us online and we’ll respond as soon as we can.


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Principal Dentist
Dr. G. Fisher BDS PGDIP (Restorative) MJDF

Graeme Fisher

Associate Dentist
Dr. D. Walmsley BDS PGDIP (Endodontology)

Dan Walmsley

Associate Dentist
Dr. L. Dobson BDS

Lizzi Dobson