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5 Tooth Whitening Do’s and Dont’s



Whether you are simply self conscious about the colour of your teeth or inspired by your favourite celebrity, there is nothing wrong with dreaming about a whiter smile. It is natural for us, as humans, to want to look and feel the best we can and our teeth and smile have a huge impact on this. In recent years, teeth whitening has become increasingly popular and more accessible than ever. Unfortunately, there are some dangers to avoid. Here’s how to make sure you get the right treatment and stay safe.

1. Don’t DIY

A quick search on the internet will show that there is an endless number of products available under the label of home whitening kits. These are perfectly legal, but are they safe and effective? This is a much greyer area. Firstly, you are relying on the manufacturer correctly informing you about the ingredients. Unlike the kits use by dentists, home whitening kits can often fall outside of the clinical testing that a professional alternative would be subject to. Whilst the vast majority are perfectly safe, the levels of active ingredients are significantly lower than those a dentist would use, making them much less effective. Then there are hygiene considerations – you can be sure that any kit your dentist uses has been manufactured, stored and handled in accordance with strict medical requirements. Can you guarantee the same for a kit that you purchase online? Finally, a dentist will make a precision mould that is unique to your teeth, meaning that the process will be as effective as possible, and prevent excessive contact of the chemicals with your gums. DIY whitening may seem like the cheaper option, but is likely to leave you dissatisfied in the long run.

2. Do discuss it with your dentist

If you have concerns about your smile, talk to your dentist – after all, it’s what we’re here for. Every patient is different, and there may be different treatments that suit different patients better than others. Only a qualified and experienced dentist can conduct a full medical examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that a particular teeth whitening treatment is safe and suitable for you.  A dentist can also give you the aftercare advice you need to keep your new smile white and shiny for as long as possible.

3. Don’t do it elsewhere

An unfortunate side effect of the constantly increasing interest in teeth whitening is the growth in companies and individuals offering illegal teeth whitening. The law in the UK is very simple – with the exception of DIY kits used in the home, only a dentist can provide or administer teeth whitening. It is a dental treatment not a beauty treatment, and therefore it cannot be offered by other businesses such as beauty parlours and nail clinics. In recent years, many such business owners have been prosecuted for offering such treatments and have received substantial fines as well as hefty sentences. Only a registered dentist can guarantee that your teeth whitening is done safely and professionally.

4. Do choose a dentist you trust

Health risks aside, one of the other key reasons to choose a qualified dentist for your teeth whitening is trust and accountability. There is a strong risk that an illegal teeth whitening shop might simply vanish overnight. Should you experience any problems or concerns, you may find that they have simply jumped ship, leaving you with no come back. Not only does a dentist minimise any risks of problems by following strict procedures and doing the relevant medical research, your dental practice is unlikely to vanish. Of course, dentists do change practice from time to time, but provided they are registered with the General Dental Council as required by law, you will always be able to locate them. Choosing a dentist that you trust is the obvious choice.

5. Don’t pay the earth

Let’s be honest, like most things in life, dental treatment comes at a cost. Procedures that are considered cosmetic – whitening included – are typically associated with high price tags. Despite this, getting a shiny white smile doesn’t need to break the bank. At Sharoe Green Dental Practice of Preston, we offer some fantastic deals on teeth whitening with an attractive  20% discount for members.

To find out more about teeth whitening with Sharoe Green Dental Practice, give our team a call now on Preston 01772 804430 or use our online contact form for a swift response.



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Dr. G. Fisher BDS PGDIP (Restorative) MJDF

Graeme Fisher

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Dr. D. Walmsley BDS PGDIP (Endodontology)

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Dr. L. Dobson BDS

Lizzi Dobson