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5 Simple Solutions To Protect Your Child’s Teeth From Decay


A new report reveals that children’s oral health in the UK is improving. The Child Dental Health Survey 2013 of England, Wales and Northern Ireland shows the level of tooth decay in 12 and 15-year-olds has dropped compared to 2003.

Key findings on children’s oral health

  • One in three 12-year-olds and less than half (46 per cent) of 15-year-olds now show signs of obvious dental decay.
  • The number of children with serious tooth decay fell from one in three to one in 5 of 15-year-olds and from three in ten to one in 5 of 12-year-olds.
  • Oral health problems were most severe in Wales and Northern Ireland, with 2 in five children (41 and 40 per cent respectively) suffering from the disease compared to three in ten (31 per cent) in England.

Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation charity, Dr Nigel Carter OBE said the survey results were a mixed bag. Dr Cater said:

“It’s always pleasing to see any level of improvements in oral health, particularly for children. Having said that, it is very much a mixed bag of results.

“Many of these children are starting school with tooth decay and carrying on through their education. Three in 10 five-year-olds have visible signs of decay yet by the time they reached 15 that shoots up to close to one in two. This still highlights significant room for improvement.”

mother teaches baby brushing teeth

Five simple solutions for looking after your child’s teeth

Ben Atkins, Trustee of the British Dental Health Foundation, explained to bring about greater improvements.
Dr Atkins said:

“Parents and education workers need to be fully aware of how they can help to reduce the chances of children developing tooth decay.”

1. It’s not the amount of sugar; it’s how often
The most important message to remember is that it’s how often your children consume sugary food and drink, not how much they consume that damages teeth.

Sugar causes the bacteria in plaque to produce acids. It’s these acids that attack tooth enamel and cause decay.

2. Choose low-sugar snacks
Cheese, breadsticks, nuts and raw vegetables are much better for children’s health and their teeth than chocolate, crisps, sweets and fizzy pop. Even natural fruit is high in sugar.

3. Have regular dentist check-ups from a young age
The British Dental Health Foundation emphasises that by the age of two, and a half years children should be having regular dental check-ups. Any budding oral health problems can be spotted early. It’s crucial for their development, and they will be more likely to carry on with good oral health habits right the way through to adulthood.

4. Use a fluoride toothpaste
All children up to three-years-old should use a toothpaste with a fluoride level of at least 1000ppm (parts per million). After the age of three, children should use toothpaste that contains 13500ppm – 1500ppm. Encourage them to spit out the toothpaste and not to swallow if possible. If they do rinse after spitting, the fluoride will remain in the mouth for longer and give the best protection against decay.

5. Supervise your child’s brushing
It is important to supervise your child’s brushing until they are at least seven, and encourage them to brush as soon as they get up in the morning and last thing at night.

Following these simple solutions will help improve the current levels of tooth decay in children and bring about further reductions in the future.





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