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Good Oral Health Vital For Expectant Mothers


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet during pregnancy is an important contributor to the health of your baby. Your oral health and dental care are major factors in your overall health and it is therefore important you ensure they are both of the highest standard.

It is highly advisable for pregnant women to visit their dentist during the period in which they are carrying their child. This is because pregnant women are susceptible to bleeding gums and build-up of plaque during this time.

It is therefore a good idea to visit your dentist during pregnancy, as a greater level of dental care may be required during this time. Follow the advice of the dentist with regards to you oral health care regime and the regularity with which you should return for future visits.

It is also recommended for you to ask the dentist any questions you may have about your baby’s future dental care following birth – including recommended dietary information and when you should bring your child to the practice for their first appointment with the dentist.

If you are interested in making an appointment with the dentist at our practice, please do not hesitate to contact us via our website or directly by telephone.


Ronaldinho’s Smile Makeover


One of the most recognisable figures in world football and two-time FIFA World Player of the Year, Ronaldinho, has undergone cosmetic dental treatment to realign and straighten his trademark buck-tooth smile.

The Brazil international underwent gum reduction surgery, teeth realignment, and also had veneers fitted to improve the uniformity of his smile and restyle the teeth that over the years have somewhat characterised the player.

The dental work was reportedly swift and did not affect in any way his ability to appear for his current club, Brazilian side Atletico Mineiro, according to his brother and agent, Roberto Assis.

There is little doubt that the former Barcelona, AC Milan and Paris Saint Germain forward will be hoping his new smile will dazzle in the same way his outrageous skills did the world’s top defenders in his pomp!

If you are interested in having your very own smile makeover, we encourage you to make an appointment at the practice for an initial consultation. Contact us via our website or call us directly at the practice today.


Great News for Tea-Drinkers


Further to our previous blog, labelled Dental News for Tea-Drinkers, we have more tea-related dental information for you!

If you are a regular tea drinker, you will pleased to hear that recent studies have found that those who drink three or four cups of tea per day may benefit from a reduced risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Tea, and black tea in particular, consists of ingredients that are able to fight the bacteria that can cause problems for your teeth and gums, meaning that those who drink it regularly are potentially aiding their oral health care regime.

And it isn’t just plain black tea that can help fight bacteria. The studies also showed that black tea with sugar and green tea offered a similar level of combativeness towards bacteria in comparison.

If you are interested in finding out more about how your diet and lifestyle can contribute towards great oral health, we encourage you to make an appointment with our dentist or hygienist.

If you would like to book a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us via our website or directly by telephone at the practice.


Tooth Whitening: What Is The Law?


You may or may not be aware of the changes that have been made to the legal guidelines surrounding tooth whitening in recent times. Tooth Whitening, though a very popular cosmetic dental treatment, must only be carried out by a person who is qualified and authorised to do so.

Tooth whitening treatments are regulated by the General Dental Council, and there are a number of clear and strict guidelines that must be adhered to by providers that all prospective patients should be aware of.

The Tooth Whitening Information Group have launched a website containing all of the important information regarding the treatment. Visit www.safetoothwhitening.org for more information on the laws on tooth whitening products, over-the-counter products, and who is allowed to provide tooth whitening treatments.

Our dental clinician is fully trained, qualified and authorised in providing tooth whitening treatments in accordance with the guidelines set by the General Dental Council.

If you are interested in having tooth whitening treatment, we encourage you to arrange an appointment for a consultation at our practice. Contact us via our website or by telephone today.


Get Your Hollywood Smile


You may have read or heard the recent comments made by worldwide comedy superstar Ricky Gervais regarding the difference in attitudes he has noticed towards the appearance of teeth between people in the United Kingdom and those in the United States.

Gervais described this as “the biggest difference between Brits and Americans”, and outlined just how strongly Americans aspire to the straighter, whiter smiles that they see flashed by their Hollywood heroes.

A beautiful smile is a wonderful asset, and the range of cosmetic dental treatments at our practice can help you get the perfect teeth you’ve always wanted. From teeth replacement or straightening treatments to tooth whitening, our dental experts can recommend a course of action and plan that lead you on the path to your very own Hollywood smile.

Whether you have a treatment in mind that you are interested in, or would like the advice of our dental professionals on how to get the best from your smile, we encourage you to book an initial consultation at our practice so that we can take the time to learn about your goals and aspirations and make a considered recommendation on how we can best help you reach them.

If you would like to arrange an appointment with us at the practice, please do not hesitate to contact us via our website or directly by telephone.


What Are ‘Chalky’ Teeth?


Much has been made in the news and media recently about ‘chalky teeth’, and what the associated implications are for oral health in young people, one in six of whom are reportedly affected by this particular dental problem.

Teeth regarded as ‘chalky’ are more technically described as teeth which are decalcified, and can be identified in children who have brown or white spots on their molars. Treating chalky teeth in time is essential in order to avoid eventual loss of teeth.

The problem with chalky teeth when found, is that there are long-term repercussions. Identifying brown or white spots on the teeth can mean that the teeth are extremely low in calcium, and this can then be problematic when the adult molars come through, which are the teeth that are most susceptible to the condition.

If you would like an assessment of your child’s oral health and for the best possible advice on how to take the best care of their teeth and gums, we highly recommend that you make an appointment with our dentist at the practice.

To register your interest in an appointment, contact us via our website today or call us directly at the practice.


Look Great, Feel Great


Katy Perry’s name has been in the news this week, with a number of media articles being written about the superstar’s self-awareness with regards to her teeth.

It has been reported that the singer has undergone tooth whitening treatments and is always especially keen to avoid bad breath. She is also understood to brush her teeth several times a day.

While a good attitude to oral health and the appearance of your teeth is certainly something to be admired, it is important to follow the advice of your dentist with regards to dental treatments and your oral health care regime.

If you would like an assessment of your oral health and the very best individual advice on how to take the best care of your teeth and gums, we encourage you to contact us to book an appointment with our dentist and hygienist.

If you are interested in getting more from your smile and are interested in the cosmetic dental treatments that we may be able to offer you, book your consultation today and find out how we can add some sparkle to your smile.

Consultations can be booked by registering your interest via our website or by calling us directly at the practice.


Choosing Your Mouthwash


As an addition to brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and flossing everyday, the use of mouthwash can be a very beneficial contribution to your daily oral health care regime.

There are numerous advantages of using mouthwash. The most obvious one is that it can help keep your mouth feeling great and your breath smelling fresh for longer than brushing and flossing alone might be able to.

Using the right mouthwash can also help keep your mouth healthy by assisting with the prevention of tooth decay and gum disease.

The liquid form of mouthwash also enables it to reach areas of the mouth that you may not have been successfully able to remove plaque from with your toothbrush or by flossing.

For further advice on mouthwash and for a recommendation on the best mouthwashes for you to use, contact us today to arrange an appointment with our dentist or hygiene.


Four Tips For Healthy Teeth



Chewing is healthy for your teeth. Sugar-free chewing gums are especially good as they are able to positively counteract the harmful bacteria that can be found within the mouth that can cause tooth decay.


It is important to remove plaque the rests on the gum line and in between teeth. Flossing is the best way to do this. If you are one of the many people who find flossing uncomfortable, you may find alternatives such as small interdental brushes or soft toothpicks useful.

Responsible Brushing

Brush your teeth twice every day with a fluoride toothpaste. You should brush for two minutes each time. Electric toothbrushes are idea. If you use a manual toothbrush, try not to brush to hard as this can limit effectiveness and can actually also cause damage to your gums.

Timing of Brushing

Try to make sure that when you brush your teeth in the morning, whether before or after breakfast, that you leave at least thirty minutes between brushing and your morning meal. It is also wise to clean your teeth last thing at night before you go to bed so as to offer your teeth the best protection as you sleep.

For further advice on keeping your teeth and gums healthy or to make an appointment at our practice, do not hesitate to contact us.


Dental News For Tea Drinkers


Are you a tea drinker? If so, you may be interested to know that a recent study has shown certain brands of tea to contain more fluoride than others. This can take the fluoride intake of tea lovers well over the recommend limit in cases of people who drink four or more cups of tea per day.

The recommended amount of fluoride is good for your teeth, and this is the reason it is added to a number of consumer products.

However, when the recommended level of fluoride is exceeded, this can actually cause damage to your teeth, and it is therefore advisable to check the level of fluoride that has been added to products such as tea in order to protect your dental health.

For more advice on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums as part of your everyday lifestyle, contact us at the practice today to book an appointment with us. During your appointment, we can make an assessment of your oral health and offer you the best advice on keeping your mouth healthy.


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Principal Dentist
Dr. G. Fisher BDS PGDIP (Restorative) MJDF

Graeme Fisher

Associate Dentist
Dr. L. Dobson BDS

Lizzi Dobson