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Brushing Your Teeth Correctly


Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is a hugely important part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Flossing and the use of mouthwash are also highly beneficial to your oral health.

It is essential that you follow the advice of your dentist with regards to brushing your teeth. Just as those who do not brush their teeth regularly enough are likely to encounter problems with their teeth and gums, people who have a habit of brushing too regularly can also bring dental health issues upon themselves.

Such was the case for TV actress Helen Flanagan, whose recent Twitter admission that her habit of over-brushing was wearing away at her tooth enamel brought the matter into focus in the media.

Toothbrushing is not supposed to be done on an overly frequent basis, and brushing too regularly will cause your teeth to eventually become very sensitive as the protection is gradually worn away over time.

If you would like more detailed advice and information on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy, why not visit our hygienist? Our hygienist can clean your teeth professionally and will also offer you the very best tips on your oral health care.


The main cause of tooth decay


Food and drink products that are especially high in sugar, when consumed on a frequent basis, are known to be the prominent cause of tooth decay.

Many of us have a sweet tooth, but the key to managing the health of your teeth and gums is to only eat and drink sugary products in moderation, and maintain the recommended oral health care routine as advised by your dentist and hygienist at our practice. It is also essential that you attend your appointments with the dentist as and when you are advised to.

The immediate effects on the teeth that sugar can have can be treated to some extent if the teeth are brushed soon after. The problem arises when sugary foods or drinks are consumed and teeth are then left unbrushed, leaving an environment which makes tooth decay much more likely to occur.

This is one of the reasons that it is recommended that teeth are brushed in the morning, and before you go to bed. This provides your teeth with the fullest protection possible from tooth decay and the build-up of plaque.

If you are interested in learning more about looking after your teeth and gums, or would like an assessment of your oral health, please do not hesitate to contact us at the practice.


A Tip For Avoiding Plaque


One of the main reasons that your oral health care regime is so important is because a build up of plaque on your teeth and gums can cause real problems. This is why it is essential for you to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, to floss daily, and to use an appropriate mouthwash when possible.

As well as maintaining an excellent oral healthcare routine,it is also helpful to keep in mind any reliable advice on how you can best incorporate looking after your teeth and gums as part of your diet and lifestyle.

A study at the University of Illinois has found that drinking a small glass of milk after breakfast can reduce the build up of plaque by more than fifty per cent. The findings were published in the Journal of the American Dental Association.

Milk is a fantastic source of calcium, and it is advisable to drink it after a meal because of its ability to neutralise the acids found in foods.

If you would like more information and advice on how you can keep your teeth and gums safe from plaque, contact us today and arrange an appointment with our Hygienist.


Diabetes & Dental Health


There are a number of health conditions that can affect the standard of oral health a person is able to achieve. There are also some very prominent links between oral health problems and certain health problems that a patient may experience.

Patients who suffer from diabetes are at a higher risk of encountering gum disease, and especially if their condition is undiagnosed and therefore uncontrolled.

As any diabetic will be aware, it is vital that blood sugar is controlled, as an increase in this can cause complications. A patient suffering from diabetes is far more susceptible to increased levels of sugar in their blood, so early diagnosis of the condition is vital.

Studies have shown that just as diabetic patients are more likely to suffer from gum disease, those with gum disease are also likely to develop diabetes.

If you are concerned about gum disease and diabetes, do not hesitate to contact us today to book an appointment at our practice.


Communication with the Dentist


When you visit us for your dental appointment, it is essential that you are happy to provide answers to the important questions the dentist asks you. This is vital in helping us to identify the right course of treatment for you, and ensuring your treatment is carried out safely and with the fullest consideration to both your oral health and your health in general.

All new patients will be asked to let us know about their medical history. It is important that we are made aware of any medical conditions you have, and also any medications/medicines you are taking.

The reason we need to be made aware of these things is because they are directly relevant to how we are able to carry out your treatments, and the plans we make to correct any dental problems you may be having.

In some cases, the dentist may need to contact your GP as a result of their findings during the examination process. Whenever this happens, you will be fully advised and all relevant information will be requested from you.

If you would like to know more, or if you would like to book an appointment at our practice, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The Best Foods For Your Teeth


Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice daily and flossing every day is the best foundation for good oral health.

Another great lifestyle choice is to include in your diet a number of foods that are considered to contribute positively to good oral health. Conversely, you should always be aware of the foods that are most detrimental to your oral health, and to try to limit these wherever possible.

Cheeses, nuts and milk, as well as various meats, are regarded as good for the teeth as the calcium and phosphorus within them provide protection for the enamel of the teeth.

Products that should be avoided are those that are of a high sugar content. This is because they increase the presence of harmful bacteria within the mouth. Some examples of such foods include cookies, muffins/cakes, crisps, dried fruits, and hard sweets such as lollipops and mints.

It is also highly recommended to limit your intake of carbonated soft drinks, and drinks which are of a high sugar content. Find a sugar free alternative to any such drinks in order to lower the potential risk of tooth decay.

If you would like some further advice on the best ways to look after your teeth and gums, or would like to book an appointment at the practice, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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  • Invisalign Platinum Elite II Provider
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  • Family Dentist
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Principal Dentist
Dr. G. Fisher BDS PGDIP (Restorative) MJDF

Graeme Fisher

Associate Dentist
Dr. L. Dobson BDS

Lizzi Dobson